Wednesday 4 June 2014

An Introduction and an Introspection....

From time immemorial  man has pondered the questions of human existence.How did  human life begin? Is there a purpose to human life? Are there moral laws? Who established these moral laws? Who decides what is right and what is wrong? What happens when man dies? Does man have a soul? Is there an afterlife? Does God exist? Who or what is God? What is God's role in human life? Is God good? Are we accountable for our actions?

Throughout the pages of history, the wisest of men have sought answers to these mysteries. Many a time we may have asked ourselves these same questions? And has man become any wiser? We have before us a hoard of teachings, which are the findings of the wise men of human history. But are their findings true? We may have put our trust on some philosophy or perspective. But how do we know for sure that the ideas we believe in are the truth?

In this blog, I shall put forth the Christian perspective on human life, and the reasons why I believe the Christian path to present the absolute truth to the questions that mankind has been seeking.

Of all the books that I have read from my childhood, The Bible has been one of the most interesting and inspirational books ever to fall in my hands. From my first moment with the Bible, I have set out on a spiritual pilgrimage to seek the Truth. Does the Bible speak the truth? Is the Bible logical? Is it consistent? Can the Bible be proved? Can the Bible completely change human life as promised? Does the Bible give a purpose to human life?

It gives me great joy to say that every time I and countless many critics have tested the words of the Bible using universal laws, the Bible has emerged victorious as a book which is unflinchingly and impartially devoted to telling the truth as it is. The thirst we have for truth can be completely quenched through the Bible. As the Bible says in Psalms 42:1,2(NIV Bible)
                     "As the deer pants for streams of water,
                      so my soul pants for you, O God.
                      My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
                      When can I go and meet with God?"

and Psalms 43:3(NIV Bible)
                     "Send forth your light and your truth,
                       let them guide me;
                       let them bring me to your holy mountain,
                       to the place where you dwell."

And God did send forth The Light and The Truth. As it is said in John 1:4(NIV Bible)
                       "In him was life,
                        and that life was the light of men."

and John 1:9(NIV Bible) which says
                        "The true light that gives light to
                          every man was coming into the world."

and John 1:16(b)(NIV Bible)
                        "......grace and truth came through Jesus Christ."

This testimony was given by Jesus Himself in John 14:6(NIV Bible)
                        "Jesus answered, “I am THE way and THE truth and
                          THE life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

In seeking for the truth, I found Christ who is The Truth. This blog is therefore my way of sharing my thoughts on the Word of God and on Christ. Perhaps these would not confirm with the teachings of mainstream Christian churches, but they will confirm impartially to the Truth as presented in the Bible. Let us make this journey together along with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and learn from the spiritual truths in the Bible.

It must be our aim to OBEY the Word. I myself have spent many futile years accumulating knowledge on the Bible, but KNOWING stuff never changes you. Obedience to the Word is the secret of being molded in the image of Christ As the apostle James exhorts in James 1:22(NIV Bible)
                           "Do not merely listen to the word,
                            and so deceive yourselves.
                            DO WHAT IT SAYS."

The thoughts shared herein is in no way expert expositions on the Bible. They are simply what I have learned during my sojourn with the Bible. This blog being my first attempt at public writing, I request my readers to absolve any logical, grammatical, theological errors that may arise. Also I will try my best to ensure that the material published is factual and logical and consistent and confirming to the spirit of the Bible.

Philippians 2:10,11(NIV Bible)
                            " the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
                             in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
                             and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord..."
Blessed be the name of the Lord. Grace and peace be to you in the name of the Yeshua HaMashiach ( Jesus The Messiah)!